Saturday, January 21, 2017

1. A Million, Really?

Well, I don’t know that I can personally come up with a million ways to help any group. I do know this: that millions of people have been helped on the street.  And that there are as many creative ways to help those in need as there are people in need.  And since every year there are approximately 3.5 million people living on the street in the U.S., then perhaps a million ways to help folks in need isn’t so far-fetched.

Actually, if we collected all the ideas that are out there to help people who are desperate, maybe we really can come up with a million.  It’s a goal.

Everyone need a goal, right?

There are three important principles we need to realize in starting this project:

1.       Be creative
If we are going to have a million workable, possible ideas that really help people, then we will have to put our thinking caps on.  Let’s not limit ourselves to what is possible.  Okay, so I may not have a few million dollars to create the campground where RVs, tents and tiny homes can rest, but that doesn’t mean I can’t dream?  Let’s think big, think small, think weird, think openly, think on a limited budget… whatever it takes.  Some of this will stick, eh?

2.       Be practical
There are a million ways to NOT help people, too.  “Put them all in jail” isn’t helpful.  Frankly, that’s bigoted and just nasty.  At the same time, “get all homeless folks three hundred dollar sleeping bags” not only is expensive, but might not actually be helpful (as the expensive sleeping bags might be stolen immediately).  Let’s consider things that will really help.

3.       Be active
Let’s not just come up with ideas that help the homeless, put them on the internet and figure that’s enough.  We need to put feet to those creative brains and be active.  If we think on it, let’s do it!  Or, at least, let’s do something.  This isn’t a brain trust so much as stepping stone to action.

If you have any good ideas you want to put on this blog, please contact me at and we’ll get some ideas out there!  Send me both your creative ideas, or ideas you see in the news or that other people have done.  Thanks!

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